Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Email Function in essbase calculation

I came across a provision in essbase calc script , where we can send email from within a calc script on execution of the calc script .
The steps are simple and we just need to register few lib files (read the readme,txt in the attachment) and you can use the below command from within the calc script and voila it will send the email . Insert the below command in the calc script . 
RUNJAVA com.hyperion.essbase.calculator.EssbaseAlert "SMTPserver" “to@somedomain.com” "cc@mydomain.com" "" "" "Mail Subject" "Mail Body" "";

This will help in cases where the calc script are long running ones and we cant tell if it finished (unless of course we read the log file ) and users have to bug us to know the status of their calcs, this will notify them directly .

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